THE ocean clean-up project has been held 15 times in various island surrounding krabi province. rayavadee works closely with the krabi provincial administrative organization and supports lunch boxes to the project participants.


THE earth hour activity takes place every year on the 26th of march. on this year, rayavadee invited our guests to participate in this special activity together with our staff. as symbolic show of commitment to energy saving, rayavadee switched off the lights for an hour while everyone simply enjoyed the fun time together under the candlelight.


RAYAVADEE provides eco-friendly garbage bins
made of bamboo at various prominent travel spots
like railay, nam mao, and phranang beaches around resort area.

Reuse In-housematerials

Demonstrate Bamboo Weaving Cultural Activity By Making Coaster For Serving Welcome Drink And
Do Not Disturb Sign For In-House Use

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Sed Ut Perspiciatis Unde Omnis Iste Natus Error Sit Voluptatem Accusantium Doloremque Laudantium, Totam Rem Aperiam, Eaque Ipsa Quae Ab Illo Inventore Veritatis Et Quasi Architecto Beatae Vitae Dicta Sunt Explicabo. Nemo Enim Ipsam Voluptatem Quia Voluptas Sit Aspernatur Aut Odit Aut Fugit, Sed Quia Consequuntur Magni

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Sed Ut Perspiciatis Unde Omnis Iste Natus Error Sit Voluptatem Accusantium Doloremque Laudantium, Totam Rem Aperiam, Eaque Ipsa Quae Ab Illo Inventore Veritatis Et Quasi Architecto Beatae Vitae Dicta Sunt Explicabo. Nemo Enim Ipsam Voluptatem Quia Voluptas Sit Aspernatur Aut Odit Aut Fugit, Sed Quia Consequuntur Magni

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Sed Ut Perspiciatis Unde Omnis Iste Natus Error Sit Voluptatem Accusantium Doloremque Laudantium, Totam Rem Aperiam, Eaque Ipsa Quae Ab Illo Inventore Veritatis Et Quasi Architecto Beatae Vitae Dicta Sunt Explicabo. Nemo Enim Ipsam Voluptatem Quia Voluptas Sit Aspernatur Aut Odit Aut Fugit, Sed Quia Consequuntur Magni

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